Monday 4 February 2013

Total and Complete Submission

"Submit yourself, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded" James 4:7-8

After coming back from Retreat, I've realized and learned many things I've never thought of before. The verse above practically sums up my experience and my new perspective in my spiritual life.

Through scouts, and my willingness to help others, I have become known and have become used to being the dependable one. Without knowing, this became my main goal and I've never thought of myself this way either. Therefore, hearing that I need to be dependent on God and he will lead the way, It's a very hard concept for me to accept because of my background. 

I feel that God has shown me this verse to explain to me that running from the devil will create a closer and better relationship with God and all I have to do is give my Total and Complete Submission of my life and values to him. This is because if we don't, why are we aiming to do all these things such as high marks and such? We should look to do all of this in his name and to use these skills and marks to give them all to God and his glory. 

My goal is to continue to learn about him and to give up my life to him and to give him my complete trust. 

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