Monday 11 February 2013

40 DAYS: Day 2

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ"
Philippians 1:27a 

In this section of Philippians, Paul is thrown in jail because of his beliefs and his continual support for Jesus Christ. He writes this letter to explain to people how his actions of even being thrown to jail has allowed many others to courageously be more outward with their beliefs, sharing the gospel with the willing heart and following the steps of Jesus Christ like we are suppose to as disciples of Christ. 

This verse specifically talks about how living a life of Christ is difficult and the bible does say to be prepared to be discriminated against by the world because of satin. However, Paul explains that no matter what happens in any scenarios, we should continually prove ourselves and act with a heart that is worthy of the gospel of Christ. Therefore, even in the most painful or excruciation times, we should never contradict our beliefs and show others the true love and gift that Christ has given to us. 

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