Sunday 10 February 2013

40 Days: DAY 1

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6 

The book of philippians is a letter written by Paul and Timothy to saints at Philippi.

In this verse, Paul and Timothy are explaining to the saints that God has been working in each and every one of us once we allow him and give him to opportunity to do so. Once we accept him and proclaim him as our Lord and Saviour, we need to ask him to work in our lives. 

Saying once you allow him, he will begin his work and once he begins, he will never stop. 
Our God is forever good so all his work will be good as well. Therefore, good is being produced within you
It's his "will" to continue working and
"carry it on" he will support, he will provide, persistence. 
Will never stop until it has been completed. 

Through emphasizing and finding these particular words in this verse, I have realized that once God has been accepted in your life, his aim is to continually produce work and be with you forever until the day of Christ. With God on my side, I am able to be satisfied and understand that all of my work should be a reflection of Christ for all of his work is good and I want to help him produce the good works that he provides each one of us!

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