Tuesday 19 February 2013

40 DAYS: Day 10

Mark 4:35-41 Jesus calms the storm

As I read this passage, it was clear that the disciples still had very little faith and had only just begun on their journey with Jesus. I guess the typical main passage or idea that you get away from this story is to have complete trust in God when faced with terrors that can even lead to your death.

We have been promised eternal life if we follow Jesus and believe that he is the one true God and Saviour of our lives because he died on the cross for us due to the love that God has for all. 

Therefore, when we go to funerals, as Christians, it is a joyous occasion because you are rejoicing that instead of death, your friend/family has gone to heaven where she gets to stay and live their life with God for the rest of their lives. 

With this in mind, it is hard to understand the real situation when you are placed in a possible death situation but the question comes to will you stand up for what's right in our belief of God? The answer is yes you should and we need to continue building up our faith in the preparation of Satan's evil temptations of rebuking God but saving our lives. 

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