Monday 25 February 2013

40 DAYS: Day 16

Mark 9:33-35 Who is the greatest in the kingdom of God?

Through this verses, I learned that the greatest in the kingdom of God is anyone who is humble, willing to be a servant for others and not just God. One who is helpful, loving, and caring is something that is well known and well recognized in God's view. 

I can apply this in my life by changing my attitude towards helping others. I find that when I help others, I will look for something in return in the future and I also get annoyed after a while if they take advantage of my help or they're not putting enough effort into my help for them. Therefore, I need to find ways to change this attitude and to continue to learn how to love them no matter how hard or how difficult it gets. I need to remember that everyone is God's children and that I should love them all and "welcome him in Jesus's name". 

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