Sunday 24 February 2013

40 DAYS: Day 15

Mark 8:34-38 Jesus teaches about taking up your cross

After this week's lesson on "Probing the text with questions" It really interested me and I was curious on how I'd encourage myself to continually apply the questions of S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S into my daily Devotionals or whenever I read into the bible. 

Sin to confess?
Our father in heaven, I thank you for all the wonders and amazing things you've given me in my life. I want to continually learn more and trust in you more God. However, I still find it difficult for some reason and I need to learn how to be able to apply the concept of "trust" towards you and also the concept of denying myself and taking up the cross. Please forgive me of my sins of pride that continually overcomes me everyday. In jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Promise to claim?
That my life will be saved if only I give my entire life to God.

Attitude to change? 
Continual efforts to rely on myself and no one else.

Command to follow?
Love the lord with all your heart, soul, and mind. (includes trust because love is based on trust.)

Error to avoid?
Being prideful in my knowledge and my skills and talents that God has given me

Prayer to pray?
To forgive me of my sins, to be less prideful, to understand that God is the one for me and that I am absolutely nothing without him.

Example to follow?
Jesus Christ and my friends and family that continually follow him.

Truth to believe?
He is almighty, everlasting, and will never change. He knows all about me and all I need to do is trust in him.

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