Thursday 28 February 2013

40 DAYS: Day 19

Mark 14:3-9 A woman anoints Jesus with Perfume

S (sin ... not giving everything to him)
P (promise to remember to do my devo's on a daily basis, not getting distracted and giving him my full attention)
A (attitude ... am i really giving everything to god?) 
C (command ... "")
E (example ... follow the woman in the story)
P (pray for strength and courage to put everything on God)
E (error to avoid ... don't be overcome with pride and take over everything)
T (truth ... God is almighty, you can't do anything without him)
S (something to praise god for? For my talents, skills, and knowledge that he's given me to use in school)

As I put myself in the position of the woman, It is really hard to comprehend her actions because it is completely opposite of my lifestyle today. I've been extremely blessed by God with all these amazing things and with a wonderful life to live. Therefore, its hard for me to relate to a poor individual who has nothing but still is willing to give everything to God. I'm wondering If I could do the same during that situation. Being spoiled, we usually take for granted what is given to us and It's really bad actually. 

I need to learn to be more thankful with everything I have and don't complain as much about anything that is small and insignificant in comparison to other people's lives. 

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