Sunday 17 November 2013

Play Of The Year

"Jesus knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself." John 6:15

As I continue reading through John, this verse stuck out to me when I was reading the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. Jesus isn't afraid of showing his power given to him by God and to help people to the best of his ability. He showed off this amazing miracle to a wide audience of five thousand men not including the children, or women. 

I think the major reason that this verse stuck out to me was because after being the producer of such an amazing thing with a bunch of spectators, he did not want to boost, show off, or prove his power. He just isolated himself to humble himself and to give glory to God in anyway he can. I think that in the same way, I should apply this to my daily life of studies and sports. I always dream of doing amazing on tests, by sounding smart, helping others. I also dream of catching the last goal or doing major highlight reels during sport games. However, I need to remember and realize that all this is for God and its through God that I'm capable of such actions. Next time I have success, I need to isolate myself pray and give glory to God. 

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