Thursday 14 November 2013

Darkness Spreads

"See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." John 5:14

After playing volleyball today, I realized I sinned by lying that I didn't touch the ball when I went for a block. Instantly I felt guilty and upset at myself because I sinned at my church and not lying was something I was proud of myself about. 

As I reflected upon why I did it, I could not find a valid reason. Therefore, I realized that God is telling me to be careful. That I need to continually repent on my sins, watch and understand when I sin. To pray once I sin and ask for forgiveness because if not done, many more things can happen to me that would not be good for me. 

I pray that I'd remember this for a long time and to help me stop doing the simpler sins such as swearing and lying. 

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