Tuesday 5 November 2013

Gift Giving

"A man can receive only what is given him from heaven." John 3:27

As I was reading John chapter 3, this quote stuck out to me. As I reflect upon this verse, I realize that everything I have, everything I own, my thoughts, my body, my clothes, my money, my food, etc. Everything that I own was given to me because God has blessed me and gave me these things.

I'm known in my school for knowledge and the capability to teach and help others with their course and the material being taught by the teachers. I need to remember that every time I teach, I need to remember that this was all given to me. That nothing I do is mine but should be done to praise God. Recently, I've forgotten about that. I've forgotten that my marks and knowledge is used for God and not for my own pleasure of being able to explain, sound smart, and understand everything in front of people. 

I need to be able to maintain my humility while teaching, and learning to the best of my abilities. I need to stop judging, and still help people no matter the circumstances. God has blessed me with many talents and abilities. Now I need to give it back to him in every way possible. To praise him with everything he's given me because that's the least I can do when it comes to his everlasting love.

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