Sunday 9 December 2012

Joy in pain

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3

Last week, I went to the hospital for my usual check up on my retina. This was when I realized that my retina has once again detached and I would once again go through the difficult trials of being a patient without the capability of being able to do anything.

Through this verse, It really makes me feel that God has spoken to me and how he has shown me his strength within my own trials and that I need to continue my faith and be joyful of anything that is happening to me because he continues to use and shape me through these tribulations in order for me to be more useful to him as I continue to serve him through worship, leadership, and many more.

This journey with my eye for the past week has really taught me a few things.

1) the amazing friends and family I have that are looking out and praying for me
2) a reminder of my testimony and why I believe in Jesus Christ
3) how weak I really am and being accepting of others on their help because I cannot do it on my own.

These 3 main ideas were really shown to me and I really thank God for giving me these opportunities to reflect and learn more about myself, develop my character, and to learn more and experience him more in my daily life.

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