Wednesday 2 January 2013

Faith through Actions

"You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did." James: 2:22

In this part of the book of James, it talks about faith and deeds. How faith is accompanied with deeds because it is your actions that complete your faith. If you don't do anything about your faith, then it's dead.

This small verse really hit me on how Christians should be living in our modern day world. We need to be able to do what we say we are. Thus, if we say we are Christian, we must do actions that show the life of Christ. We are his ambassadors and we need to represent him well as you would for a team if you were wearing their uniform. 

Overall, you need to make sure you do what you say and to not become a hypocrite because nobody listens to hypocrites. However, if you do fall into this trap, you need to be able to accept your faults, understand your sins and be willing to confess to our God because he is loving and will always forgive you no matter what. 

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