Sunday 6 January 2013


"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

As our first bible study for TC13, we were given a long passage with other passages in relation to the entire verse. Thus, we were given an assignment of reflecting on each verse. 

This verse is simply explaining that we are hopeless without God and Jesus Christ. We are all sinners and should be condemned but it is through God's costly sacrifice that allows us to continue to have a relationship with God. We need to understand how much we need Jesus Christ and God because that is the core to the faith of Christianity. As said, we are reaching out and trying to grow new churches in developing countries because the suffering there is a lot more extreme than we can ever imagine. Thus, the people and civilians in those countries need a sense of hope and that is where Jesus comes in and helps give them this hope. These people fully understand the power of God because they see the amazing grace but we, the spoiled generation in the developed country, are blind to this knowledge because we are filled with so much media and materialistic items that Satan has given us to tempt and distract us from our real goal of filling God's purpose in our life. 

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