Sunday 3 March 2013

40 DAYS: Day 22

James 1:2-4 

Paraphrase it: 
Whenever faced with difficulties, consider it as a joyful time because when your faith is tested, it creates perseverance which results in maturity and completion. 

Whenever someone is forced with trials of tribulations, naturally, as humans, we tend to react to this as "why me? I did nothing wrong. I don't deserve this kind of torture." 
This verse is weird because it completely contradicts that but instead tells you to rejoice because it is giving you an opportunity to grow, learn, and mature in your faith and as a person as well. 

God promises us many things and this verse really touched me when I first got out of my retinal detachment this year. I am happy I was able to be still considered joyful but I realized that even though I didn't lack insecurities on the results, I did lack joy. I wasn't happy, and that's the difficult thing we need to learn. 

Dear God, I thank you for today. For this amazing day that you have provided us God. I just wanted to pray that you help me learn to be JOYFUL and not just deal with tribulations but rejoice in you that this obstacle was put in my path and I am able to learn and mature because of it. Thank you for everything you provide us with from the good to the bad times. You are always there omnipresent and never changing. Amen.

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