Saturday 7 December 2013

Not to think visually

"Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to met him" John 12:18

As I was reading about how Jesus entered Jerusalem after he had risen Nazareth from the tomb, this verse suddenly disturbed me. In our everyday life today, we continuously hear how faith is about believing in something without seeing that it is there. This is a very difficult concept for many people to understand in this time and age due to the ability for us to research, and understand multiple concepts, from simple things like gravity to the miracle of birth. 

This was interesting to me because it shows me that the people in the past also had the same difficulty. Even though God was literally in front of their eyes, they still needed the visual of seeing the miracles for themselves in order to believe in Jesus. Even after all his miracles. This makes me think that in the same way, Jesus and God is always there in front of us performing miracles to others and our friends, yet we still find it difficult to believe. Therefore, we just need to open our eyes, and understand that faith is not full of visual proof but the sole belief that he is living and within us as of right now. We need to know that God is alive and that he is helping us through the difficult times and we just need to reach out and accept him in our lives.